Pure Joy Time

So… I don’t talk a lot about things like TV or time wasters but sometimes you just need to sit back, relax, and get lost in a netflix coma! back in 2010 my roommate said he wouldn’t pay for cable… a staple in my life since birth. i remember in high school wanting to talk to my mom about my day and i’d have to wait until her show was over. or i knew what nights to call in college because i knew what nights had the shows my parents watched. and i always swore i wouldn’t be like that but became totally addicted to TV anyway. thankfully TiVo helped me never have to work my schedule around TV but i was still always watching. So when my roommate told me we weren’t going to get cable i started having a meltdown. but decided i’d try it… why not? YOLO!

let’s pretend i never said that.

anyways… we got netflix and hulu and what else did we need really? i could still have SVU marathons but commercial free! and Hulu had commercials but i would schedule time to watch my specific shows. and i’ve never looked back. now i have a few shows i watch and i get sucked into netflix binges every now and then but for the most part any TV watching i do is intentional and scheduled. You have to schedule time for the things you love! it’s OK to not be doing something productive 24/7/365 but sometimes it’s hard to not feel like you’re wasting time. but time spent (that you plan for) watching TV is just fine. at least for me.

so what’s on my TV these days? don’t judge… it’s an eclectic little mix!

Law & Order: SVU
Modern Family
Vanderpump Rules
Pretty Little Liars
The Following (I can’t stand this show!)
Switched at Birth

and what do i binge watch?

Orange is the New Black
House of Cards

and my classic faves?

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Gilmore Girls
Arrested Development
Always Sunny

Like i said… random collection. What are your favorites? any suggestions for me??

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