Max:30 Day 10

You might notice there’s no day 9… yep. i had a mulligan day. i woke up exhausted and after walking the dog i climbed back into bed to do some side work before starting my work day. Then during lunch it was so dreary outside i just snuggled on the couch with the puppy and hung out. and after work i was feeling the same lack of motivation to do anything! So i hung out with my dog and my sister and drank hot cocoa and listened to the thunderstorms. I did take the puppy on a couple good walks but no legit workout.

so today. Today i missed the early morning workout again and decided to get it in during lunch. i got ready, got the puppy ready and distracted, and pressed play on the tabata power workout. so hard! Rocked the warmup and felt awesome. i was rocking my new no meat athlete tank and seriously even though nobody is watching 90% of the time i’m wearing it i feel proud and like i’m repping vegans when i wear it. so i work a little harder. don’t try to get inside my brain… it’s a bizarre place. SO. the first exercise starts: burpee lunges. You go down, do a burpee, jump up, and jump into a lunge. and alternate legs. 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 20 seconds on 10 seconds off. i killed the first 20 seconds, loved my 10 second water break, killed the second 20 seconds and on my last lunge i think i started moving towards my water before my feet were really under me and i rolled my left ankle. my ankle that still hurt a teeny bit from the sprain i had in august. my ankle that’s not quite stable yet. the pain was searing. it felt as bad as it did when i sprained it. i immediately started screaming and lay on my bed (my new gym is my room) with my left leg up in the air (instant swelling… always fun) and carefully took off my shoe. it’s definitely swollen but definitlely not as bad as a sprain. and the pain started going away pretty quickly. when i sprained it i couldn’t even put a teeny bit of weight on it to get into the shower and i could barely think straight because it hurt so badly! So this was a good sign. in a couple minutes i was able to walk/hobble around. so i iced it. and it felt a lot better. it’s definitely not even at 70% right now but i’d give it a solid 60%. i can go up and down stairs almost at a normal pace and i’m not limping. but it definitely hurts and i don’t want to sprain it again. and i’m annoyed because, well, i really wanted to stick to this max:30 thing. i wanted to get my 60 days in and take my before & after pictures and finally do a program all the way through.


now isn’t the time for me. it’s not the time for a pity party either. there are a million other things i can do so i’m gonna do ’em! i will start PiYo on monday and rock that program all the way through. and i’ll add in other things like swimming and biking and piyo live when i can. i NEED to give my body a break. i know i do and i keep not doing it. after i sprained my ankle i know i started running and jumping again too soon. i’m so bad at resting and giving my body the relief it deserves that i keep re-injuring myself. so i’m committed to NO RUNNING OR JUMPING FOR THE REST OF 2015. that’s right. i said it. publicly. ok… well at least here on my blog. so if you see me running or see a post about a new plyo workout i’m trying call me out! i need help to stay away from these things! and until then i’ll focus on awesome other things like ab ripper x. and dancing. because i love getting a great workout in and i want to keep doing this til i’m 110 years old. and if i want to do that i have to take care of my body- it’s the only one i’ve got!


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