#TurboFitTuesdays are back… and more!
I’m back baby! After a crazy few years away from TurboFitLife, I’m back and couldn’t be more excited to be here with you again to kick off 2024. My lucky number is 43 (I’ll explain why at some point) and this year I turn 43 so I know this year is going to be epic.

I left Beachbody coaching a few years ago but still LOVE what they offer and love their programs (and that myx bike!) but coaching just wasn’t for me any more. I still have coaching fomo from time to time but know that multi-level marketing businesses just aren’t the right fit for me right now. Maybe one day! #neversaynever
BUT! for now I want to focus back on making this blog super value addey for your lives! My obsession last year was getting down a rock solid morning and evening routine to #bookendyourday and really want to publish a book all about that this year! So that will definitely be a focus on here to help create your own TurboFitLife. I also want to provide tools to add value to your lives- since I have a shopping addiction, might as well put it to good use by sharing which products I tried and love (All True subscription boxes are my jam) and what I don’t love (Daily Look was way overpriced, IMO).
And of course it wouldn’t be me without tips and tricks to fuel your day whether you’re fueling for a day of working from home followed by a night of must see TV or rocking Ironman races every month. So there will be some nutrition and recipe things. Right now cancer prevention is on my mind so maybe a little focus there? We’ll see but if there’s every anything you want me to share about, just let me know! I love geeking out researching this stuff so I’m here for you!
AND another thing that’s gotten a lot of airtime in my brain lately is saving the planet. You might know a couple of my best friends and I started a business during COVID where our goal was to create a shopping experience that would align your ethics with your shopping choices. It didn’t pan out for a variety of reasons, but it opened my mind to so many things I never realized! And I want to share what I’ve learned with you all. Top of mind there is trying to avoid the trap of perfectionism… it’s about doing what you can moment to moment and not trying to live a perfect harmless existence. Sometimes I get plastic single use cups from Starbucks. and sometimes I bring my own mug. Sometimes I go to the grocery store and use my own reusable tote bags. and sometimes I order Instacart (OK most times) and they put EVERYTHING in plastic (can we not create some sort of reusable tote sitch with instacart?!). So i’ll share my adventures there as well.

And because I am all over the place, i might as well throw in some of the tech stuff I am currently obsessed with like Generative AI and inspiring female leaders in the tech space. And showing up to work as you are without trying to conform to some antiquated idea of corporate appropriateness.
What can you expect? Some videos (on YouTube/Instagram), maybe a podcast, lots of blogs and ramblings, per usual. I can’t wait to reconnect with you and continue to share this lifelong journey we’re all on!
xoxo terry