21 day fix day 2: upper fix
Rocking the regular 21 day fix this week- hence the day 2! I’m in Chicago this week so I’m using bands instead of weights and 21 day fix offers band mods for all the workouts. Woot!
Today’s upper fix was two rounds, 5 exercises per round, each exercise for 60 seconds, repeat each round twice.
Round 1:
Bent over row
Transverse twist
Push ups
Forearm plank
Hammer curl to shoulder press
Round 2:
Lat pullover
Circle crunch
Chest press
Scissor twist
Shoulder raise
My upper body is definitely sore!!! The bands are so awesome for some exercises and on some I feel like I’m not getting as much out of them… I definitely prefer weights but I rocked all of chalean extreme and p90x with bands so I know they’re effective!!