Shaun T Week is Coming June 12-18!
You guyssssss! i’m SO excited for Shaun week it’s kinda ridiculous. 7 days of workouts with Shaun T streaming on demand. If you already have the all access pass you’re ready to rock! if you don’t have any idea what that means or if you’ve been hesitant to get it, you’re good too- you can do a FREE test run for two weeks so you can try out all 7 Shaun T workouts PLUS try out any of the other beachbody workouts. what what! yep… you read that right… FREE. ah yes… my favorite price.
So why not spend one week with me & Shaun T transforming your body, changing your mindset, and getting just a few steps closer to those goals you set for yourself?
What: 7 days of Shaun T workouts (see below for workout descriptions)
When: June 12-18. Each day a new workout will be released
Why: Because we want to blast belly fat & inactivity!
How: Click “Going” here and i’ll get you added to the group and set up with on demand
Check out the promo video:
The workouts are inspired by Insanity & T25 so if you’re familiar with those programs you’ll be familiar with these workouts. Here’s the breakdown:
(yes, there’s a modifier for ALL of them!)
Day 1 6/12: Insane Basics
Day 2 6/13: Pure Cardio 2
Day 3 6/14: Insane Weights
Day 4 6/15: 25 Abs
Day 5 6/16: Ripsanity
Day 6 6/17: Speed 4.0 (FYI speed 2.0 is my FAVORITE workout from T25)
Day 7 6/18: Dig Deep
You *will* need weights or resistance bands for 2 of the workouts. And an exercise mat will be helpful too!
Want more details? Watch this video:
So how much does it cost? NADA! Just click “going” on this event and i’ll get you set up! If you’re already working with another coach please contact that coach to get set up!