What’s your power phrase?
I listened to Chalene johnson’s podcast “the Chalene show” this morning about power phrases and the importance of them and the difference between your power phrase and you’re mantra. My mantra, of course, is can’t stop won’t stop”. It took me a minute to figure out my power phrase but you know what? I have one!
I’m a Hagio. Yep. Might sound funny (for those that don’t know me that’s my last name!) but I realized it’s what gives me power. I first used it back in 2003 and got it from my cousin Debbie. My dad had passed away the day before finals started and while I had an easy semester and got out of most of my finals I had one final I had to take if I wanted to graduate. It was a statistics final and while math was my jam I just wasn’t in the right headspace. My dad passed away early Thursday morning and Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were spent in this comfy cocoon of being surrounded by people 24/7. Friends and family came out of the woodwork and were completely amazing. 0% of me wanted to drive back to school and take a final I hadn’t studied for at all. So while I was sitting at the tattoo parlor with my cousins (because clearly the situation called for tattoos!) I was bitching about having to go back and I said I didn’t think I could do it. And my cousin Debbie turned and looked at me and said “of course you can- you’re a Hagio!”. And sure enough I went and did it and while I probably didn’t ace the test I did get an A- in the class. So whenever I feel like I’m facing something I don’t think I can do I instantly am brought back to that situation that was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done and remember I’m a Hagio. I got this.
What’s your power phrase??