Welcome to TurboFitTuesdays!
Throwing out the first picture of myself i posted to this blog back in 2013! Is throwback tuesday a thing?
Annnnyways WELCOME to TurboFitTuesdays!! I’m going to be hanging out here a bit more than I have been because i have been bursting with ideas and things i want to share but have legit struggled with how i want to share it and what i want to focus on.
TurboFitLife has always been about three things i love: FitLife, FoodLife, and FunLife or LiveLife. I just am so freaking passionate about these things and that passion has changed my life so much i just want to share it all with you! I want to help make veganism more approachable and exciting for you, even if it’s just a day a week or month or whatever works for you! You can add more whole, plant foods into your life without making it a 100% thing or forever thing. Of course i’d loooove if you were like all in… but dude. i get it. i didn’t go vegan overnight (though lots of my friends did!) and I don’t think any pressure to be perfect has ever helped anyone. So i want to help there.

Fresh Produce
I’m also obsessed with fitness- like i have a legit addiction to crossing finish lines and trying new workout programs. constantly. And i want to share everything i know about running and triathlons and lifting weights and all the different things i tried before i found this addiction. And it’s not like i never tried home workouts my whole life and then one day i tried them and i have been hooked ever since! i had tae bo back in high school. I got slim in 6 in college. i got more billy blanks DVDs in my early 20s. i tried windsor pilates. I tried a salsa dance DVD. I tried a LOT of things before something worked. but you know what? i didn’t give up or write off home workouts or running or anything just because it hadn’t worked in the past. and i want to share more about that to hopefully help other people who feel as stuck as i once did.
And I love supporting women. Especially women in technology or other male dominated fields. #thefutureisfemale
So i want to help there. And the refugee situation in america right now makes me sick to my stomach. and i want to help there. and i don’t want to get all political like in general or on my blog but i do think it’s important to be educated and use your voice whenever you can to help create change. so that’s what i want to do.
So what am i going to talk about on Tuesdays? Well… all of these things! Sometimes it’ll be a vegan recipe i tried! or a new workout style i love. or a protest i went to. maybe i’ll narrow things down as i learn more about what keeps my interest or is most interesting to you guys? Or maybe i’ll just ramble on about random things each week- we’ll see! but i didn’t want my lack of clarity to stop me from starting or sharing with you guys. My goal here is to serve YOU though so i want to hear from you about what you want to hear about from me! If you see something on my insta and want to know more, please let me know! if you see an article that’s confusing about protein and want me to research it more or share my thoughts on it, share it with me! if you hear about a new workout program you think is cool, let me know! i want to see it too!
thanks for hanging out with me as i embark on this crazy journey!! i’m just so excited to share with you and hopefully create a bit of inspiration to live whatever YOUR best life is- even if it’s totally different than what mine looks like! because that’s really what it’s all about right?