Overcoming your fears

When i first started coaching i had no idea what i was doing. i knew i loved beachbody DVDs and wanted the discount. And I wanted to help other people try the same things i fell in love with that changed my life! Unfortunately I didn’t do much with the business- I didn’t watch all the coaching basics videos, I didn’t listen to national wake up calls or team calls, and this was before challenge groups were a big thing. I just used the discount to keep buying programs and shakeology and eventually lost interest in BeachBody. My coach quit coaching so I was left with a stranger for a coach, who was super nice and reached out, but I found it hard to connect. Then a friend started coaching. She jumped in both feet first and learned as much as she could about it. and was so excited about her new opportunity and what she could do with it, it got me interested in coaching again. I had to quit being a coach for six months before I could sign up under her but eventually the waiting was over and now I have an engaged coach that is also a great friend!

Daily breakfast- healthiest meal of the day!

Daily breakfast- healthiest meal of the day!

One of the scariest things about coaching for me was thinking people would doubt my intentions. When presenting a challenge pack to people, it’s because I truly think it could help them. I was especially a little wary of doing that because the groups that I worked with had people with maladies, which is what scared me. But at this point, if one were to learn more about how difficult it is for an average human being to drag their life behind, they’d understand the same of what I had. Of course I want the success club points, but I wouldn’t offer Insanity to someone that’s just starting with fitness or hates cardio. It’s about helping people and finding the right product for what they need. The key there is finding out what someone needs. What are their goals? Why are they looking at fitness? Are they trying to lose weight? Inches? Just improve their fitness? Once you know that, then you’re truly offering solutions that will help them. The key isn’t making it sound genuine- it’s being genuine. The only way to succeed in this business is to have the right intentions- it’s never about the sale and always about helping people. The incentives are there to encourage you to not give up trying to help people! So never never never give up. 

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